публикаций автора "A.E. Tenishev"
Найдено 3
1. Polarization of protons from the γ + p → π0 + p reaction produced by 692-1028 MeV photons at 90 in the center-of-mass sytem
N.V. Goncharov, A.I. Derebchinskii, A.A. Zybalov, O.G. Konovalov, A.E. Tenishev, S.G. Tonapetyan, V.M. Khvorostyan
1973 г.,
Том 37,
Вып. 2,
стр. 205
2. Polarization of secondary protons from the reaction in the region of the third resonance
3. Polarization of secondary protons in the γ + p → π0+p reaction at Eγ = 536-640 MeV