публикаций автора "N.V. Goncharov"
Найдено 4
1. Polarization of Protons from the Reaction in the Photon Energy Interval 550-900 MeV
2. Photoproduction of π mesons from C12 in the photon-energy range from 250 to 1200 MeV
3. Polarization of protons from the γ + p → π0 + p reaction produced by 692-1028 MeV photons at 90 in the center-of-mass sytem
N.V. Goncharov, A.I. Derebchinskii, A.A. Zybalov, O.G. Konovalov, A.E. Tenishev, S.G. Tonapetyan, V.M. Khvorostyan
1973 г.,
Том 37,
Вып. 2,
стр. 205
4. Photodisintegration of C12 at γ-ray Energies from 250 to 1200 MeV