публикаций автора "S. Yu. Gus'kov"
Найдено 5
1. Breakdown of gases through laser radiation with high-energy quanta
2. Compression of shell targets heated by nanosecond pulses
N.G. Basov, P.P. Volosevich, E.G. Gamalii, S. Yu. Gus'kov, A.A. Erokhin, Yu. A. Zakharenkov, N.N. Zorev, A.A. Kologrivov, V.B. Rozanov, A.A. Rupasov, A.A. Samarskii, G.V. Sklizkov, A.S. Shikanov
1980 г.,
Том 51,
Вып. 1,
стр. 212
3. The "laser greenhouse" thermonuclear target with distributed absorption of laser energy
4. Acceleration of material by a pressure pulse of radiative plasma
5. Physics of a two-temperature thermonuclear burning wave in an inertially confined plasma