
публикаций автора "M.I. Gurzan"
Найдено 2
1. Crltlcal behavior of Sn2P2(SexS1-x)6 uniaxlal ferroelectrlcs near the Lifshitz point
Yu. M. Vysochanskii, V.G. Furtsev, M.M. Khoma, A.A. Grabar, M.I. Gurzan, M.M. Maior, S.I. Perechinskii, V.M. Rizak, V. Yu. Slivka
1986 г.,
Том 64,
Вып. 4,
стр. 816
2. Splitting of the ferroelectric phase transition in a laser radiation field and self-focusing of light in the incommensurate phase