публикаций автора "M.V. Pasechnik"
Найдено 4
1. Angular Distributions of 6.8-Mev Protons Elastically Scattered by Chromium, Nickel, and Copper Isotopes
2. Investigation of Stripping Reactions on Chromium Isotopes
3. Polarization of Protons from Stripping Reactions on Light and Medium Nuclei
4. Angular Distribution of 6.8-Mev Protons Elastically Scattering on Nickel and Zirconium Isotopes
A.K. Val'ter, I.I. Zalyubovskii, A.P. Klyutcharev, V.A. Lutsik, B.F. Orlenko, M.V. Pasechnik, V.S. Prokopenko, N.N. Pucharev
1962 г.,
Том 14,
Вып. 1,
стр. 54