публикаций автора "A.K. Tagantsev"
Найдено 12
1. Effect of a weak electric field on the dielectric losses in centrosymmetric ferroelectrics of the displacement type
2. Phase transitions in a cubic crystal with dipolar forces and an anisotropic correlation function
3. Threshold vortex formation and trapping fields in small high-Tc superconducting particles
E.V. Blinov, L.S. Vlasenko, Yu. A. Kufaev, E.B. Sonin, Yu. P. Stepanov, A.K. Tagantsev, V.G. Fleisher
1993 г.,
Том 76,
Вып. 2,
стр. 308
4. Intrinsic dielectric losses in crystals at high temperatures
5. Second sound in ferroelectrics
6. Circulation lines and motion of antiphase boundaries in an improper ferroelectric
7. Intrinsic dielectric loss in crystals: Low temperatures
8. Phase-transition-induced nonlinear acoustic phenomena in ferroelectrics
9. Theory of flexoelectric effect in crystals
10. Acoustic anomaly and nature of the phase transition in the uniaxial weakly polar ferroelectric TSCC
11. Low-frequency dielectric relaxation in centrosymmetric crystals
12. Dielectric losses in displacive ferroelectrics