ЖЭТФ, Том 149,
Вып. 6,
стр. 1208 (Июнь 2016)
(Английский перевод - JETP,
Vol. 122, No 6,
p. 1047,
June 2016
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Physical properties and phase diagram of the magnetic compound Cr0.26NbS1.74 at high pressures
Sidorov V.A., Petrova A.E., Pinyagin A.N., Kolesnikov N.N., Khasanov S.S., Stishov S.M.
Поступила в редакцию: 15 Октября 2015
DOI: 10.7868/S0044451016060109
We report a study of magnetic, electrical, and thermodynamic properties of a single crystal of the magnetic compound Cr0.26NbS1.74 at ambient and high pressures. Results of the measurements of magnetization as a function of temperature reveal the existence of a ferromagnetic phase transition in Cr0.26NbS1.74. The effective number of Bohr magnetons per Cr atom in the paramagnetic phase of Cr0.26NbS1.74 is , which matches the literature data for Cr1/3NbS2. Similarly, the effective number of Bohr magnetons per Cr atom in the saturation fields is rather close in both substances and corresponds to the number of magnetons in the Cr+3 ion. In contrast to the stoichiometric compound, Cr0.26NbS1.74 does not show a metamagnetic transition, that indicates the lack of a magnetic soliton. A high-pressure phase diagram of the compound reveals the quantum phase transition at T=0 and GPa and the triple point situated at K and GPa.