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ЖЭТФ, Том 150, Вып. 1, стр. 48 (Июль 2016)
(Английский перевод - JETP, Vol. 123, No 1, p. 40, July 2016 доступен on-line на www.springer.com )

Warm inflation in f(\mathcal {G}) theory of gravity
Sharif M., Ikram A.

Поступила в редакцию: 1 Апреля 2016

DOI: 10.7868/S0044451016070063

PDF (285.5K)

The aim of this paper is to explore warm inflation in the background of f(\mathcal {G}) theory of gravity using scalar fields for the FRW universe model. We construct the field equations under slow-roll approximations and evaluate the slow-roll parameters, scalar and tensor power spectra and their corresponding spectral indices using viable power-law model. These parameters are evaluated for a constant as well as variable dissipation factor during intermediate and logamediate inflationary epochs. We also find the number of e-folds and tensor-scalar ratio for each case. The graphical behavior of these parameters proves that the isotropic model in f(\mathcal {G}) gravity is compatible with observational Planck data.

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